Moskau-Berlin, Berlin-Moskau

Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany


The exhibition design allowed visitors to evaluate and orient the works on display that were created in the first part of the century and represent the strong cultural exchange between Russians in Berlin or Berliners in Moscow.  The design, consisting of two powerful wedges that are inserted within the main atrium of the museum, represents resistance, social struggle and the creat act to stand out against the exhilaration and barbarism of the times.  The space open between the wedges provided an area for gathering and events associated with the exhibition.

“I see this as a space opened between those two gigantic wedges of ideologies and systems: an epochal space made human and heroic by those we have come to call ‘exiles’.  Whether they were Russians in Berlin or Berliners in Moscow, these exiles and the poignant brilliance that shines through their suffering represent the central and perpetual aura of the twentieth century, an aura substantiated in the redness of blood and the black darkness of night.” – Daniel Libeskind, The Space of Encounter