From the Publisher “All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts or stimulates the persons in that space.”-Philip Johnson A society’s architecture can tell us a huge amount about its people, including their collective priorities, their deepest fears as well as their hopes for the future. A great building can do many things. It can sanctify or nurture, expose or protect, it can seem strong and impenetrable or warm and welcoming. The very best architects make their reputations and careers from manipulating materials in order to stimulate both users and the public. New buildings, such as the Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA, can appear incredibly alien and exotic. Occasionally a space is successfully redefined; London’s Tate Modern was once a power station but has since been transformed into an internationally recognized powerhouse for the arts. Great Modern Architecture explores the high-rise corporate cathedrals, museums, temples and homes that have impressed themselves on the collective consciousness through creativity of design, revolutionary use of materials or sheer proportions. From the tallest skyscrapers to Deconstructivist masterpieces, Great Modern Architecture is a beautifully illustrated architectural odyssey. This book is packed with rich and informative articles, including over 200 stunning color photographs and a fascinating fact-file for each entry. Great Modern Architecture truly is inspirational reading for the whole family. (Amazon)
Author: Bill Price
Publisher: Fall River